Import Datas & EcclesiaCRM ¶
One can import data via a CVS file with a separator "," ou ";". Each line of the file has to contain a person's data.
The function " import a CVS file" is in the administrator menu.
Here one will find the manuel to import the data file automatically; the families can be form automatically in the file by means of the members' gender and the reunification is made according to the address. Here are the basic informations:
- Title (for the family's creation)
- First name
- Middle name
- last name
- suffix
- gender
- donations
- Address 1
- Address 2
- Town
- State
- postal Code
- Country
- Personal phone number
- Professional phone number
- Mobile phone number
- Job
- Birth date
- accession date to the church
- wedding date
- personal fields for the person
- personal fields for the family
the dates can be formated YYYY-MM-DD, MM-DD-YYYY, or DD-MM-YYYY.The date separators (-; /; ect) won't work
Make automatic families¶
EcclesiaCRM can form families automatically, depending on :
- the same address which they share
- The data which are a part of the family personal fields.
To this end, select the mode "family creation"
Members classification¶
It is possible to import the persons depending on their status (members, guests,...)
*Note : Once the import had been concluded, all the members are automatically placed in the cart.