To get started¶
To generate the architecture of a plugin¶
A shell command has been developed to facilitate the work:
To create a plugin¶
Read carrefully before starting
- the routes for each plugin are planned and are included in the complete management of the routes in api/plgnapi.php (see below) and are planned to be managed via controllers in the core/APIControllers path.
- for the views of the routes are predefined also v2/routes/v2route.php (they are possibly linked to your own controllers core/VIEWControllers).
- this mechanism guarantees maximum security.
- it is imperative to follow the fact that each plugin must have a signature which is validated by the crm (see for that the plugin documentation).
You have to use this Script
bash *NameOfPlugin*
This script will create NameOfPlugin in the Plugins directory of the src directory.
1. The architecture is of the form
api/ // internal api management
plgnapi.php // we must create our own routes here
(managed by the CRM directly)
core/ // here we can manage all the models
APIControllers // to define the controller called in plgnapi.php).
model // example for propel orm
VIEWControllers // for the views of the v2/routes part
// for example
ident/ // for an access to an external api (optional)
routes/ // called by the crm directly
templates/ // called by the route part
js/ // js translation code
textdomain/ // for gettext translation of php code
mysql/ // setting up mysql files
index.html // protection file
Install.sql // sql script to create the database
// called by the plugin manager
Uninstall.sql // to uninstall the plugin, it's up to you not to forget anything
upgrade.json // this part allows to manage upgrades (under development)
css/ // all css classes called by the crm
js/ // all the js code called by the crm
v2/ // MVC for views, models and controller : mandatory for dashboard plugin
routes/ // called by the crm directly
// templates
The signature is created via the tool provided by the CRM : grunt genPluginsSignatures.
2. We can edit it right away: config.json
"Name": "EventWorkflow",
"copyrights": "Philippe Logel © EcclesiaCRM Team",
"version": "1.0",
"Description": "Plugin to manage your events",
"infos": "iMathGeo & Softwares",
"url_infos": "",
"url_docs": "https://",
"Settings_url": "v2/eventworkflow/settings",
"Details": "https://url;iframe=true&width=772&height=549"
- This part is crucial for the update system (via the version number)
- The version number must always be of the form x.y.
3. Special rights
- It is possible to set admin rights or not
Creation of a classic plugin¶
1. Concerning injection into the database in the "plugin" table
In the database Put the plugin, we must set
``will allow to put the entry of the plugin in the menu on the left in the Personal, RGPD, Etc. .... the options are Personal', 'GDPR', 'Events', 'PEOPLE', 'GROUP', 'SundaySchool', 'Meeting', 'PastoralCare', 'Mail', 'Deposit', 'Funds', 'FreeMenu -- a
description, e.g.: 'Plugin to show the current connected users - a version
`` to e.g. '1.0 - the prefix type for the entries
to 'jm_' plgn_position``
can take the values'inside_category_menu'', ``after_category_menu''
(very clear).
Here is a complete example in the MeetingJitsi
INSERT INTO `plugin` ( `plgn_Name`, `plgn_Description`, `plgn_Category`, `plgn_image`, `plgn_installation_path`, `plgn_activ`, `plgn_version`, `plgn_prefix`, `plgn_position`)
VALUES ('MeetingJitsi', 'Plugin for jitsi Meeting', 'Meeting', NULL, '', '0', '1.0', 'jm_', 'after_category_menu');
To create additional menu bar entries in the plugin_menu_bar
table, we must
- set the name of the plugin in
for example toMeetingJitsi
. - The name of the menu item:
to ``Settings'' for example - the url
``to for example 'v2/meeting/dashboard - the icon
at 'fas fa-cogs - Then a security option
to the possible values of roles defined in the crm, for example 'usr_admin'
Here is a complete example
-- insert the menu item
-- the first one is the main menu !!!
INSERT INTO `plugin_menu_bar` (`plgn_mb_plugin_name`, `plgn_mb_plugin_Display_name`, `plgn_mb_url`, `plgn_bm_icon`, `plgn_bm_grp_sec`) VALUES
('MeetingJitsi', 'Jitsi', 'v2/meeting/dashboard', 'fas fa-video', ''),
('MeetingJitsi', 'Dashboard', 'v2/meeting/dashboard', 'fas fa-tachometer-alt', ''),
('MeetingJitsi', 'Settings', 'v2/meeting/settings', 'fas fa-cogs', 'usr_admin');
2. Attention, it must follow the following recommendations
- You can set the place and in the menu or after the menu (type seen above)
- put the css in : skin/css
- put the js in : skin/js
- for the api in api/plgnapi.php (you have to put it in, it secures the CRM)
- for the php code of the views, it is better to put it in v2/templates/
- If you want to use the MVC design pattern for the views, v2route.php is ready in v2/routes/
- for your personal classes you can go in core/
- for propel classes and models everything is in core/model
- etc ...
3. Be careful with the autoload for propel or personal classes:
// we've to load the model to make sure the plugin will work
spl_autoload_register(function ($className) {
include_once str_replace(array('Plugins\Service', '\'), array(__DIR__.'/../../core/Service', '/'), $className) . '.php';
include_once str_replace(array('PluginStore', '\\'), array(__DIR__.'/../../core/model', '/'), $className) . '.php';
Creating a dashboard plugin¶
1. For the injection at the database level in the "plugin" table
In the database Put the plugin, we must set
Dashboard``.- a description
to ``Plugin to show the current connected users - a version
`` to '1.0' for example - the prefix type for the
entries tocud_
. - the position at
right`` - the color of the card's bar
bg-gradient-blue text-white'', ``bg-gradient-indigo text-white'', .... (see for this the database) - the security part is very important
to those possible values which are insrc\EcclesiaCRM\model\User.php
abstract class SecurityOptions
const bNoDashBordItem = 0;
const bAdmin = 1; // bit 0
const bPastoralCare = 2;// bit 1
const bMailChimp = 4;// bit 2
const bGdrpDpo = 8;// bit 3
const bMainDashboard = 16;// bit 4
const bSeePrivacyData = 32;// bit 5
const bAddRecords = 64;// bit 6
const bEditRecords = 128;// bit 7
const bDeleteRecords = 256;// bit 8
const bMenuOptions = 512;// bit 9
const bManageGroups = 1024;// bit 10
const bFinance = 2048;// bit 11
const bNotes = 4096;// bit 12
const bCanvasser = 8192;// bit 13
const bEditSelf = 16384;// bit 14
const bShowCart = 32768;// bit 15
const bShowMap = 65536;// bit 16
const bEDrive = 131072;// bit 17
const bShowMenuQuery = 262144; // bit 18
const bDashBoardUser = 1073741824; // bit 30
- Optional side:
which can be set to 1 (this will allow user to be administrator: in the case of the News dashboard only few people can enter the news, the others will be simply readers).
Here is an example
INSERT INTO `plugin` ( `plgn_Name`, `plgn_Description`, `plgn_Category`, `plgn_image`, `plgn_installation_path`, `plgn_activ`, `plgn_version`, `plgn_prefix`, `plgn_position`, `plgn_default_orientation`, `plgn_default_color`, `plgn_securities`)
VALUES ('CurrentUsersDashboard', 'Plugin to show the current connected users', 'Dashboard', NULL, '', '1', '1.0', 'cud_', 'inside_category_menu', 'right', 'bg-gradient-green text-black', 1073741824);
2. about the code
- There is only one view in : v2/template/View.php
- set correctly the card ..... In the code of the View.php
use EcclesiaCRM\PluginQuery;
use EcclesiaCRM\PluginUserRoleQuery;
use EcclesiaCRM\Map\PluginUserRoleTableMap;
// we've to load the model make the plugin to work
// for example if you've a model for your propel orm version + a class service
spl_autoload_register(function ($className) {
include_once str_replace(array('PluginStore', '\\'), array(__DIR__.'/../../core/model', '/'), $className) . '.php';
include_once str_replace(array('Plugins\\Service', '\\'), array(__DIR__.'/../../core/Service', '/'), $className) . '.php';
use .....
$plugin = PluginQuery::create()
->addAsColumn('PlgnColor', PluginUserRoleTableMap::COL_PLGN_USR_RL_COLOR)
..... .... Your code
<div class="card <?= $plugin->getName() ?> <?= $Card_collapsed ?>" style="position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px;" data-name="<?= $plugin->getName() ?>">
<div class="card-header border-0 ui-sortable-handle">
<h5 class="card-title"><i class="fas fa-newspaper"></i> <?= dgettext("messages-NewsDashboard","News") ?></h5>
<div class="card-tools">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-card-widget="remove">
<i class="fas fa-times"></i>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-card-widget="collapse" title="Collapse">
<i class="fas <?= $Card_collapsed_button?>"></i>
<div class="card-body" style="<?= $Card_body ?>;padding: .15rem;">
.... Your code
3. Attention
- pour les dashboard plugins, le code js est chargé dans le footer
- le css est également chargé pour vous par le CRM.
- le code css est chargé automatiquement dans le header !!!!
Cela évite des chargements sales en plein milieu du code.
Final recommendations for both types of plugins¶
1. For translations
- For the PHP code: We don't use
but with dgettext and an associated domaindgettext("messages-NewsDashboard", "News")
and we work with separate po code for each plugin to avoid conflicts. - For the JS code: We use
i18next.t('News Title', {ns: 'NewsDashboard'})
2. For specialized propel code or classes, the autoload must be done manually
Tip :
- never use
composer dump-autoload
it will not work when loading the plugin via the plugin manager - So you have to work around the problem like this:
// we've to load the model make the plugin to work
spl_autoload_register(function ($className) {
include_once str_replace(array('Plugins\Service', '\'), array(__DIR__.'/../../core/Service', '/'), $className) . '.php';
include_once str_replace(array('PluginStore', '\\'), array(__DIR__.'/../../core/model', '/'), $className) . '.php';
3. The signatures
The signature of a plugin is created via the tool provided by the CRM : grunt genPluginsSignatures at the root path of your dev env.
Good development of plugins.