Person & EcclesiaCRM ¶
EcclesiaCRM gives the possibility to create a member who could be a system user, a family member, or a group member
NewsLetter a Family may receive the newsletter.
One member, an address¶
Each individual in the CRM has an address, the family concept allows an actual address assignment.
One member, several roles¶
Each member of the family has a specific role:
- the family representative
- the spouse
- the children
The family representative is necessary to see a family on a member card
One member, a classification¶
- a member
- a prayer group leader
This part can be changed in "people management" and "customization"
One member, different proprieties¶
A member has different proprieties which are customizable, such as:
- Un enfant peut ĂȘtre allergique A child can be allergic
- A member can have personnel constraints
This part can be changed in "people management" and "customization"
One member, a number of groups¶
A member can be a part of one or more group:
- Of sundaySchool
- Of a prayer group
- Of the elders group
One member, plenty of custom fields¶
The custom fields can be add as desired and different for each family.
The custom fields types are:
- Boolean :
- Date :
- Text type 50 or 100 or infinite:
- Year :
- Season :
- Number :
- Group member :
- Money :
- Phone number :
- Custom drop-down list :
One family, funds or automatic payments (only if the member is not a part of a family)¶
A family can donate and the donation can be claim for the fiscal receipts.
Reminder an address is a container of members. So an address is most of the time a family.
Some notes¶
A family can keep some documents, which are exportable to the EDrive
An EDrive¶
One can go see the part "User Manual" and "EDrive in the CRM"