
A user has the following rights, granted by the administrator

  1. Modify the personal settings


  1. Modify the following settings


Note : Depending on one's administrator, one will not always have access to all these settings:

  • bEmailMailto : User's permission to send them emails via Mailto's links.
  • sMailtoDelimiter : User's permission to send them emails via Mailto's links.
  • bShowTooltip : Permission to display the tool tips
  • sCSVExportDelemiter : to export in another text coding
  • sCSVExportCharset : by default UFT-8 for european coding; use Windows-1252 for french coding.
  • bSidebarExpandOnHover : The sidebar opens by default at the skimming of the mouse.
  • bSidebarCollapse : The sidebar is closed by default
  • sMapExternalProvider : when one will want to see a person's address on a map on their phone, they will be able to choose the type of map (Apple Maps, GoogleMaps, BingMaps).
  • sStyle : one can choose the topic style

They will be chosen by the CRM administrator